Where never Lark, or even Eagle flew
12 February 2011
Its amazing how much information gets kept online but never gets lost..
17 March 2008
Blog Entry!
18 January 2008
We talked about the stars and planets. People used to observe planets because they "wander", or in other words, they moved relative to the stars. Most stars remain in the same celestial positions.. But planets moved. Hence 'planet', or wanderer in Greek!
And Planets not only moved, they had momentarily undergo retrograde motion! (Moving from west to east instead of vice versa) Then you had the Aristotle/Plotemic solar system(Where earth was the centre). Copernicus, a Polish Priest, was asked to investigate, and suggested the Sun-centered model, though it only remained an idea.
However, the Julian Calender(which had 365 days but no months) had a small error of 11min and 14sec each year. So over 1500years, in the 14th century, the holidays weren't right anymore. Winter was happening in "july" and people were wondering. So to correct that, the Pope announced that 2 weeks would essentially "disappear" and the Gregorian Calender was born!
Within 60 years, the Copernicus model was changed. 3 great men changed this. Tycho Brahe, a danish aristocrat founded and was the Head of the Danish(Denmark was way bigger then) Royal Observatory. He kept an accurate observation of Mars for 25 years. He died before the significance of his discovery was found out. Brahme was a flamboyant, social aristocrat blah blah blah.
Johannes Kepler (German), his assistant, was the opposite. Shy and always keeping to himself, he founded the 3 Kepler Laws! All these discovered in the 1600s where they did not calculus or computers to help them with math.
Then came Galileo. Italian Inventer, Popularist, Scientist, he popularised the Copernicus Model. He published his works in Italian(language of the commoners) instead of Latin, which was usually reserved for scholarly works. This allowed a larger audience to read his works. Galileo also perfected Optics. His telescope observed Jupiter, and for the first time in history, observed the large moons of Jupiter going round Jupiter. For that reason, the big moons are called Galilean Moons.
Then Newton was born the year Galileo died. He discovered gravity, and invented calculus, but only as a mathematical tool. Little did he know that Calculus was so useful. In addition, he mathematically solved planetary motion, but didn't thought too much of it. In fact, he thought his theory was wrong because he couldn't not calculate the orbit for the moon! If not for Sir
So with the Newtonian Laws, the Copernicus model gained acceptance as people could mathematically predict the orbit/motion of the planets. And so ended the short history of Astronomy..
Then in English we learned about the background of Sir William Bradford, one of the immigrants on the Mayflower. He was a Calvinist/Purist/Separtist). Calvinism was a Religion by John Calvin, whom founded a holy city of sorts in Geneva, Switzerland. Wanted even further reformation of the Catholic Church and made up his own church. Bradford, went on the Mayflower, originally bound for Virginia. But went to Plymouth instead as it was a long arduous journey and their ship sucked. Lead extremely pious life. Wanted to escape religious persecution in the Old World and ironically religiously persecuted people in the New World. Interesting huh? =)
TULIPS(Calvinism in a glance)
T - Total Depravity(Everyone's depraved, a sinner guilty of Original Sin aka OS)
U - Unconditional Election (Church is ALWAYS right)
L - Limited redemption(Only Calvinists were the chosen people)
I - Irresistable Grace (of God when he gives you grace by forgiving O.S.)
P - Perseverance of Saints(not R.Catholic Saints. But that people go to heaven after they died)
12 January 2008
03 January 2008
Hmm, having a car of your own does bring more exposure.. =)
I've just picked up all the rubbish in the front passenger's seat, including 2 duracell batteries left at the door handle! Heh. They're all in one plastic bag right now that I will throw away at my convenience, together with the 2 trash bags that are outside as I type and the numerous few that are in the living room.
Today I'm going to.... hmm..
1.Make breakfast!
Was very hungry on the way back. Wanted to stop halfway to buy food but was discouraged by small-town-macdonalds. I am quite encouraged to boycott Macs now.. Not to mention we(sorry, I meant I) have alot of bread and spreads to eat it with...
2.Do Laundry
(have to delay bedsheet since napping on it...)
3.Clean up common areas
Will clean up the kitchen area and the living room. Have to keep all the boxes and the Hello Panda. Shall decide on a solution to the.... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 pairs of footwear that I have outside my room right now.
2 X Timberland Big Boots
1 X Timberland brown shoes
1 X $70 brown shoes that I bought
1 X Cheap NS Sports shoe
1 X Cheap NS Black formal shoe
2 X slippers
Man. EIGHT PAIRS! Somehow buying a $20+ shoe-rack from IKEA seems over-the-top. Perhaps I shall hint to room-mates that I need a present like a shoe-rack. HAahaha.. (learn from you!)
4. Blank
I left my organiser in the car. DARN. Can't think of more stuff to do off my head..
To a productive pre-Spring 08 period!
17 November 2007
It was in an "unknown" portion of my bag that I totally forgot about! Thats a downside of having a backpack that has MANY zips and places to put stuff.. Heh.. Now I'm going to have more mechanical pencils when the parcel from Singapore arrives.. Well, guess you can never have too many pencils eh?
31 October 2007

Today, I mourn the loss of my pencil case. I had it during math lecture in the morning, remember putting my pencil case into my bag, but by tutoring at 11am, it was missing. I have NO IDEA where the hell it is. I traced my steps back twice, but didn't see it. Fuck.
Of honorary mention, my blue mechanical pencil of 6 years since J1.
Sob sob...
28 October 2007
03 September 2007
Today (tubing) was a day where I REALLY WISHED you were around. First it was the drive to San Antonio. Gillian also sat at the back, which was Spring Break-esque. She even said, "Oh I'm sitting at the back again, time to sleep!" That's so Gill. Heh.
Yup, and tubing! Ok, it is ALOT more fun that it sounds. Sure, renting a rubber tube for $11 just to float down a river is not very appealing. But its fun in a group! There was a 'tube shoot' too! Basically its like a tunnel where the water is faster and its a thin curvy 'rapids' of sorts. It was SO FUN! Too bad there's only 1 such 'tube shoot'. Yeah, I wished you were there. We could have went down the tube shoot together, OR lazed around in formation. The water was cool too! Although there was a fair bit of grass floating around, it was generally OK. Oh, and there was a piece of drama.
Oh, and some girl bared her breasts! Cool. Its not that big of a deal. Its just like what you see in the movies. Heh.
Soe Han fell off his tube. But I was just looking at him and no one did anything. But Jan shouted, "Soe Han doesn't swim!"
Then I thought, "oh fuck! and he's in the water!"
So I dived down and helped him. Yay! So heroic. Haahahaaa. Well, to be fair I Was the closest one to him, and I think I was the only one looking at him wondering why he couldn't put his head above the water. HE tried, and got his forehead out, but thats it. Well, after 2 seconds of "trapping water" I heard and registered Jan's voice, so I "fell off my tube" and helped him. Quite drama. Haaha, but it was really Jan's shouting that alerted me.
Yup, met a fair bit of Malaysians at Paul's place. Met/talked to 3 initially. But only got to talk (like a fair bit) to two new Malaysians. So happens that they're all Malaysian Chinese.
One is Victor. He studied in Imperial. He's 24, now doing his PhD in Physics. Talk about Genius. =) The other is Mei Yan(sp?). She's 19? Born 1988. Lazy to do the math. Studied in AJC, same year as Daphne.
Yup, we ate at Hype Park and Grill. I ordered Chipotle Pepper and Raspberry Glazed Pork Loins. Nothing great. Pork was sucky by chinese standards. Dry and hard.
23 August 2007

- C C 304C: Greece/Rome: Film And Reality (GALINSKY, G - 33090)
- M 427L: Adv Calculus For Applicatns II (KEEL, S - 60075)
- M E 210: Engineering Design Graphics (AANSTOOS, T - 18000)
- E E 331: Elec Circ, Electronics, & Mach (FRIEDRICH, O - 16620)
- ACC 310F: Foundations Of Accounting (VERDUZCO, D - 02475)
If my schedule changes, you can view the current version here.
13 July 2007
Dear Sirs and alI,
I am about to disrupt my national service to pursue further studies, and this will likely be my last email sent out for the next half a decade. Unlike the common “ORD letters” that you read, this letter unfortunately cannot be as cheerful. I am using this last opportunity to issue a letter of complaint against the quality control of officers in the SAF, more specifically against LTA X. During my time as his subordinate, LTA X was AWOL on at least 2 counts, attempted bribery, and lied to his subordinates and his superior officer. The battalion HQ has effectively given no punishment, and has not even made these infractions known to the rest of the battalion.
Let me first give you some background. I am the ____ ____ platoon commander from __________. In order to maintain operational readiness my duties are performed at _____ camp where our ops bus and servers are instead of at stagmont camp where our battalion is. The company is structured like so
Centre Head
PCThe duties are therefore shared between the PC’s, PS’, and the Centre Head. LTA X is the centre head of the __________.
LTA X, was originally supposed to be on duty at _____ Camp as the duty commander for the _______ on the 20th and 22nd of April, a Friday and Sunday respectively. I was on duty on the 21st of April that Saturday, to minimize the changing over, I contacted him and asked if he would like to swap duties for the Saturday and Sunday. To this he agreed, and thus he was to be on duty on the 20th and 21st of April.
On the Friday however, LTA X called to inform me that he was busy during the day, and if I could cover for him until the evening. To this I agreed to do so. At about 1600 hours, I received a call from LTA X, informing me that he was on the way and that I could leave first, thought this would result in a time where there would be no duty commander in camp, he informed me that this had already be cleared with our OC. I therefore left camp.
On Sunday the 22nd of April I arrived back in camp to take over duty from LTA X. After he had left camp the men informed me that he had not arrived in camp on Friday at all, and that he only arrived in camp at 1800 hours on Saturday the 21st of April. On Saturday they had tried to contact him to ask his whereabouts, to which he told them that he was in fact in _____ in ______ camp getting some work done. The men contacted their counterparts in ______ camp to verify this, however no one in______ camp had seen LTA X. 1 further confirmed with the ______ duty personnel on Saturday that none of them had seen LTA X, this was also with confirmed with that day’s BDO.
This news obviously was very distressing, I confronted LTA X regarding this information to which he confirmed that he only arrived in camp on Saturday at 1800 hours, but that he was at _____ for a while then left later to run some errands. Upon learning that I was to bring this information to our OC, LTA X then made an offer to do some of my duties for me to which I declined, his words were “You know if you need me to help you do some of your duties..”
On Wednesday after I had completed my personal investigation and confirmed that these events had indeed transpired, I informed our OC of these offences. Our OC spoke to LTA X regarding these issues, and let him off with a warning.
I would like the story to end here, however LTA RX was again on duty at ____ Camp for _________ on the following Saturday the 28th of April. At 0030 hours on Sunday the 29th of April I received a message from the duty personnel. The duty personnel of the platoon had just spotted LTA X’s car, a white Mitsubishi lancer driving out of camp. I responded by telling them to check all the car parks and look for LTA X in camp. I received a call at about 0115 hours, the duty personnel informed me that they had checked the whole camp, and that LTA X’s car was no where to be found. They also informed me that LTA X was no where to be found, not in any of the bunks nor any of the offices.
On Monday the 20th of April when I arrived back in ______ Camp for work, I confirmed with both the guard commander and the duty officer for Saturday the 28th of April, that at white Mitsubishi lancer had indeed driven out of camp at about 0030 hours on the 29th of April. This latest information was told to our OC.
When confronted by our OC, LTA X told him that indeed it was his car driving out of camp, he claimed however, that it was not him driving the car but that he had lent it to friend to drive out of camp. After checking with the person in question this was established to be untrue. Finally, LTA X admitted that he had lied, and that is was he who had left camp.
I have been informed that LTA X was to be given 10 extra duties, though this may be considered an extremely light punishment there is a further problem. To date, which is to say, 2 months from the incidents, none of the duties have been published in the battalion RO, in addition, LTA X has not served any of the extra duties he was supposedly awarded. In addition, this system of leniency is not consistent throughout the battalion, or even the company. The following was published in the RO on 1 1th of June 2007:
SXXXXXXXX CPL _____ ________ Non-compliance with a lawful duty or order. stoppage of Leave for 7 days
This was the punishment for CPL ______ for leaving camp an hour before he was supposed to. This was published less than a week after his infringement. If you were to calculate the time AWOL alone, LTA X was missing for a minimum of over 20 hours. This does not take into the account the fact that he repeated the crime less than a week after being reprimanded the first time. This does not take into account the lying to his superior officer. This does not take into account the fact that he is an officer, and thus should be even more liable than corporal.
Absence without leave
22. -(1) Every person subject to military law who is absent without leave from service in the Singapore Armed Forces or from the place where he is lawfully required for the time being to be shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction by a subordinate military court to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or any less punishment authorised by this Act.
(2) It shall be a defence for any person charged under this section to prove that his absence was a result of circumstances over which he had no control.this is where the report ends and the editorial begins. LTA X’s continued service in the SAF is an embarrassment the entire officer corps. In the SAF we are constantly being told that we have very high standards expected from our officers. As an officer cadet any one of these actions would have you put immediately out of course. Here you have a person who lied to his subordinates, went AWOL, attempted to bribe a civil servant, went AWOL again not even a week after being reprimanded, then lied to cover himself, and tried to implicate another person in these lies. He discarded his second chance just days after being given it because he thought he could get away with it. I how ask you what exactly are these high standard that we speak of? I am realistically asking you how much worse than this can an officer really go? Does a person have to commit armed robbery or murder before he fails these supposedly “high” standards of officers in the SAF? I simply fail to understand how someone who would undeniably fail the standards expected of a cadet or even a private can continue to be an officer.
The decisions of the battalion HQ are equally saddening. How can a lower standard of discipline be expected of officers than of men? In the our society, when a police officer commits a crime he is held to an even higher standard, and given even greater punishment than a normal citizen, this is because he has betrayed the very values it is his duty to uphold.
I was told that one of the reasons this was so was that they did not wish to ruin his career with a summary trial. However the SAF is not a charity organisation and does not owe anyone a career. I feel that as a regular his status as an officer and his career should be under even closer scrutiny than that of an NSF, to intentionally withhold such information is effectively tricking the SAF into continuing to pay someone whom if all is known, has no place in the organisation.
Another reason told to me for LTA X’s lighter punishment was that it is in light of the work he has done for the battalion, I feel this is unacceptable for several reasons. Firstly in our country we do not mitigate punishments based on past achievements, Durai was not excused despite the amount of money he helped NKF raise, and a doctor would not be excused from molestation no matter how many lives he has helped save. Secondly such mitigation is nothing more than justified corruption and no different from a criminal paying off the police to escape arrest, the very thing we fight so hard to keep out of our society, Finally even if the previous two points are conceded, what LTA X did was not a mistake, mistakes are done by accident. What he has demonstrated is a systematic failure of character and unacceptable as an officer.
Even if you attribute the lack of punishment to extreme leniency, the decision to not inform the battalion is even more suspicious. Especially in a _____ unit such as _________ where the importance of being on duty cannot be over emphasized, to not even inform the battalion of the occurrence is to send a signal that there is nothing wrong with his actions. If it was unintentional it shows gross negligence for something which is clearly an important matter, and if intentional shows a level of corruption that I need not elaborate on.
While some might say this is just a small matter, a story of a single bad officer, the fact that it was not dealt with more severely is indicative of a bigger problem. It shows the lack of quality control being practiced for the leaders of the SAF. The following quote was taken from the army’s own intranet homepage:
“In the 3rd Generation SAF, the quality and commitment of our people will continue to be the most important determinant for advancement” - Member of Parliament Ms Indranee Rajah
We can take criticism about having second hand equipment, outdated training methods, and even questionable relevance to modern day operations. But one thing that cannot be tolerated is a reputation for having bad leaders. Such a reputation would compromise Singapore’s defence credibility far more than using refurbished tanks or old training manuals.
While I may only be a 2nd lieutenant, I am a citizen of this country. And as a citizen I have the right to demand high standards from the leaders of the SAF While it is true that high standards are hard to come by and even harder to enforce, for such events to come to light and yet nothing be done about it is to say the very least, unacceptable and disappointing.
Yours Sincerely,
2LT L i H o n g y i -
___________ Commander
22 June 2007
Tsk tsk. I recommend Anger Management Classes.
19 March 2007
Blogging, which results is what you read here, is very low of my list of priorities. So, when life becomes good (meaning lots of activities and having fun all the time), I don't really have the time nor energy to blog. Whereas when I do have the ENERGY to, it usually means that there's nothing much to blog about in the first place.
I had fun during my 7 days of Spring Break.
-Drove to Fredricksburg/Enchanted Rock state park(camped one night).
-Drove to Houston. Saw Bastrop, La Grange, Katy, Woodlands, Bellaire as well.
-Drove to Dallas. Saw many numerous small towns. Got a feel or smalltown America. Some redneck, some ghetto, some nice.
-Came back to Austin. Lots of fun. Nicely summarized here.
Looks like its California next after finals! =)
See, come migrate to the US la friends.
23 February 2007
create your own visited countries map
Haaha, off the list in my head, I can think up of.
-Singapore (duh)
-Kuala Lumpur & Malacca & Petaling Jaya & Penang, West Malaysia (since I can't remember, and many many car trips. Most notable was the 2hr flight to Malacca airport where it was manned my incompetent custom officers. Oh well, what can we expect anyway.)
-Batam Island, Indonesia (When I was a kid. Only thing I remember is playing water volleyball and seeing a really huge wasp, and a skin-toned dressed lady dancing. I swear I thought she was naked).
-South Island, New Zealand (Again as a kid. All I remember is the huge ass caravan we had, the green green green grass, and the plentiful white sheep! Oh, and that 'poisonous liquid' that my sister told me not to touch)
-Tel-Aviv & Haifa & Tiberius & Jericho & Jerusalem, Israel. (Fully paid trip with Parents. Very fun, very insightful, and also very expensive. Heh. Spent 3 weeks there. Too bad I don't have pictures.)
-Ankara & Istanbul & small roman city which name I can't remember, Turkey. (1 week of 'recreation' after 3-week long pilgrimage. Very fun, new sights and interesting insight to Roman Empire culture. Brought back lots of Turkish errr, "souvenirs" to use a euphemism. Turkish Apple Tea, Turkish Delight, 50,000 Turkish Lira COIN, a 'dotted plate'(yes the one you eat out off that costs alot) and more.)
-Perth & Pearce & Fremantle, Western Australia. (Sec 2 Band Trip + J2 SYFC Trip)
-Los Angeles & San Francisco & Las Vegas, California. (To see sister perform with VJC choir)
-New York City, New York. (Holiday after 1 year of RSAF. First time traveling alone. Good learning experience coupled with hole in pocket.)
-Vancouver, British Columbia. (Ditto. UBC's a nice place though. =) Thanks to Uncle Victor for the cheap housing! Oh, and the SASHIMI is EXCELLENT! EXCELLENT!!!!!!! Damn shiok. Its the fattiest wild salmon you can ever find for the cheapest of prices.)
-Austin & Dallas-Fort Worth & Houston, Texas. (Current place of residence and studying.. Will add more once I get that car! Yay!!)
Where in the US have I been to before?
create your own visited states map
20 February 2007

I think I'm in danger of becoming an alcoholic. My impression of the best way to fall asleep with with a cup of Baileys diluted with milk. At least that only happens on Mondays & Tuesdays; the two days of the week when stress levels are at its highest.
16 January 2007
School's closed tomorrow because its weather is icy! Yes, thats right! School is closed due to weather!!! Haahahahaaaa, one more day to slack. On the down side, every part of town is closing early and no one wants to drive at all... Sigh.
This means I have to be content with steamed dumplings that I made myself! Anyway I'm glad that there're alot more Singaporeans here for this semester! Yay, more Singlish and like-minded people to talk to!
Now the question is.... What shall I do for Spring Break?
11 December 2006
Alas, Finals are a week away, but Christmas is in 2 weeks! Yay. I've not been studying for the last 5 days, even though it means that I've only 5 days left before my Finals. But.... Its alright I guess..
The SSA/MASA had a joint-activity! Though it wasn't a special day or anything, we decided to have a home-cooked food feast! We had plenty of food! Curry chicken, Beef Rendang, Noodles, Roti Prata! Wah, shiok man!

Unfortunately, I kind of spoilt in within 5 minutes. As all Slinkys are, they sometimes get entangled and misshapen. It took me 30 min just to get it back right again! I'm never ever going to take it out again. Heh.

Yup. One thing I hate about blogspot is that its a bitch to upload photos. I should look elsewhere. Any recommendations?
18 November 2006

Whilst running down a slope, always remember that it'll the only way left soon is up. And its a matter of when, not if. When?
08 November 2006
We had Halloweeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn, and I carved some pumpkins! It was a team effort and 6 of us (all first-timers) managed to did quite a good job! Took some design of the internet, $3 pumpkin with some pumpkin-carving tools and we were in business! I did the right eye-brow, the nose, and half of the mouth!

From right to left, me at the right, Stephanie from up north to my right, with Edgar with the YAHOO hair, Ade from Trinidad and Tobago at the front, Abed from Houston right behind, and Natalia from Corpus Christi. It was pretty fun. I'll just post pictures up. Its sad that 'Jack' the pumpkin has since decayed and was spilling out green foam during his last moments here in Austin. Moment of silence please.

Then after that we went to 6th Street, walk walk see see. Its like the 'party-street' of Austin, like M.Sultan in Singapore. OK lah, alot of crazy people around. Fair share short skirts, men in underwear, men dressed as penises, super-short-skirt-nurses, girl clad in stockings amongst others. Some pretty original ideas too, like Borat, smurfs, hot-dogs, blue smurfs? Too bad never take pictures with them, it was pretty cold and chilly.

I also attended a blues-concert at Austin Music Hall. Some free ticket. Friend of hours couldnt make it so we went instead. Caught a bus, travelled downtown, did quite a bit of walking, photo-taking and other nonsense. Haaha, quite fun, music was just plain noisy at first, but got better as the night progressed. I also bought my first alcoholic drink illegally! Haa, its not my fault the bar-girl gave it to me!

I also attended a blues-concert. Some free ticket. Friend of hours couldnt make it so we went instead. Caught a bus, travelled downtown, did quite a bit of walking, photo-taking and other nonsense. Haaha, quite fun, music was just plain noisy at first, but got better as the night progressed. I also bought my first alcoholic drink illegally! Haa, its not my fault the bar-girl gave it t

05 November 2006

I feel like an ant. With no power over anything. That finger can just kill me in an instant.
I'm depressed.
For now at least. As an ant, I can think more about depression and the meaning of life and things philosphical in nature. However, such endeavours usually lead to a downward spiral in thoughts and instead of answers, bring about more questions.
On the other hand, I could go out and find things to do and strive towards, diversions of sorts if you may. I cannot stop and do nothing. Its a waste of time. Time is something that no one has any control of.
What do we do with our time?
I wish I could spend it with you. Problem is, who should you be?
post template here
30 October 2006
Every weekday I look forward to the weekend. And then on the weekend I look forward to the weekdays. Its weird. I should learn to appreciate what one has now eh?
Just like how I used to miss "only-having-to-worry-about-studies" when I was bumming around, and yet now wish that I CAN bum around. I say its time to stop and enjoy the present! =)
But the grass is always greener on the other side. At least we've grass here now, I guess. Heh.

Perhaps I should just take an hour and lie down on the grass and do nothing. Perhaps, perhaps.
25 October 2006
Today is a dark day. The culture and upbringing of HEI-REN was brought to a new low when the one of its spawn did its devious deed.
It used my internet without my permission and ate up all my bandwidth. EVEN AFTER MY EXPLICIT DENIAL.
What kind of evil spawn would not have the basic courtesy, integrity and personal responisibility to not respect a room-mate decision? I swear, sooner or later, this inferior offshoot of human kind would die. Or at least I hope it does.
Its the violent disposition of HEI-REN, the hip-hop/ghetto self-image of failure that truly disgusts me.
I wish HEI-REN all the best and hopes he repents.
13 October 2006
M427K mid-terms was easier than expected! Heh, I think i studied too hard for it man. All the hours of studying were for naught since it was so bloody easy! Ok, I should stop and not jinx myself lest I didnt get an A.
Its starting to get colder. Free Air-Con, at last! Too bad it only lasts till 10am and after sunset. Oh well, at least its dry. =)
11 October 2006

OMG my pictures are gone! Stupid interface lah!! Wah piang eh. sianz.
19 September 2006
(Cuz its the only time the internet actually works. Sigh)

That's Billy in blue. Some ang moh.
Andrew in white. Cycling siao-on and business guy. Wants to go into politics and can talk. Will go far.
Leon in black, from Turkey(I think)
Ben who plays trumpet in the band(which is really BIG) here.

Usually there's like 2 lugguages on his bed where he stores his clothing. And the TV is ON blaring hip-hop/NFL or some crappy black culture shite that I totally cannot appreciate.. Do note exam schedule posted on the wall. Its posted with MY pins. Tsk. Not that I mind but still...

This picture was days ago. Well, to be honest my side does look the same also! haaha.. Oh well.
I'm lazy to write words since its 2am already. But uploading pictures take FOREVER. On the bright side, I just bought a bike and a lock. So the next few days I can actually explore the city in greater depth and have a further range. =)