Where never Lark, or even Eagle flew

03 January 2008

Just drove to Houston and back! Little tired. Managed to take a picture of a nice sunset that I shall use later, maybe even use as a new background. I think I should have enough pictures of Texas that I can use...

Hmm, having a car of your own does bring more exposure.. =)

I've just picked up all the rubbish in the front passenger's seat, including 2 duracell batteries left at the door handle! Heh. They're all in one plastic bag right now that I will throw away at my convenience, together with the 2 trash bags that are outside as I type and the numerous few that are in the living room.

Today I'm going to.... hmm..

1.Make breakfast!
Was very hungry on the way back. Wanted to stop halfway to buy food but was discouraged by small-town-macdonalds. I am quite encouraged to boycott Macs now.. Not to mention we(sorry, I meant I) have alot of bread and spreads to eat it with...

2.Do Laundry
(have to delay bedsheet since napping on it...)

3.Clean up common areas
Will clean up the kitchen area and the living room. Have to keep all the boxes and the Hello Panda. Shall decide on a solution to the.... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 pairs of footwear that I have outside my room right now.
2 X Timberland Big Boots
1 X Timberland brown shoes
1 X $70 brown shoes that I bought
1 X Cheap NS Sports shoe
1 X Cheap NS Black formal shoe
2 X slippers

Man. EIGHT PAIRS! Somehow buying a $20+ shoe-rack from IKEA seems over-the-top. Perhaps I shall hint to room-mates that I need a present like a shoe-rack. HAahaha.. (learn from you!)

4. Blank
I left my organiser in the car. DARN. Can't think of more stuff to do off my head..

To a productive pre-Spring 08 period!
:: posted by Christopher, 22:59


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