Where never Lark, or even Eagle flew
05 November 2006

I feel like an ant. With no power over anything. That finger can just kill me in an instant.
I'm depressed.
For now at least. As an ant, I can think more about depression and the meaning of life and things philosphical in nature. However, such endeavours usually lead to a downward spiral in thoughts and instead of answers, bring about more questions.
On the other hand, I could go out and find things to do and strive towards, diversions of sorts if you may. I cannot stop and do nothing. Its a waste of time. Time is something that no one has any control of.
What do we do with our time?
I wish I could spend it with you. Problem is, who should you be?
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:: posted by Christopher, 05:14
WEi! What Happened? Aiyo... are you alright? Email me abt it whenever you are free. Meanwhile, try running away from falling thumbs ! --Qing
, at