Where never Lark, or even Eagle flew

29 May 2006

Why the FUCK do you want me to study NOW??!?!?! Why the FUCK do you want me to study NOW??!?!?! Why the FUCK do you want me to study NOW??!?!?!

Now. Is. Break-time. Break-time is for slacking and skivving and recreation and everything slacker-personified. NO, BREAKTIME IS NOT FOR STUDYING AND MUGGING AND NOT FOR GAINING OH-SO-IMPORTANT WORLDY KNOWLEDGE. FUCK la.


But, what a straight-to-the-point post. I like.

Life is unfair. Perhaps it is time to go to Croatia and press olives the whole day long in return for free food and free lodging.
:: posted by Christopher, 10:20 | link | 0 comments |

27 May 2006

Time to get up and about!

Okay, after one entire week of sleeping at 6am and waking up at noon, I've finally and officially broken the cynical, screwed up body clock of mine! With a morning jog once more, where else, but round the neighbourhood.

Man, a year ago I would have been more than happy to run, any given time, any given day. Fast forward to now, after slacking for so long, and I'm such a slacker! Yes, we really adapt to our environment. Slack place=slack Chris. Time to think of a sport to join whilst in Uni. Football? Or Track & Field (to boost up lousy stamina. tsk.) Or Rugby(Nah too small eh?). Decisions, decisions.
:: posted by Christopher, 11:07 | link | 0 comments |

23 May 2006

whoa, I didnt know alvin read my blog too! tsk. eh, people people.. leave ur name in the comments yeah? then i'll know who's reads this man! and tt'll give me motivation to write stuff too! tsk tsk..

Anyways, I wanna lament about my financial and driving status! This suck-eth! it does! Bah! shall look forward to new jacket next week as well as killing that oh-so-big brute in Shadow of Rome (PS2 Game). Thanks Jun Hong! You're e best!!

Tsk, it does satisfy my sadistical want for blood!! Kill kill kill!!!! Oooo I rrruurrve bloooddd!!
On a side note, there is a MORNING STAR in the living hall!!
Hmmmm......... (thrust morning star into female of the house? to do or not to do? Sigh, dilemma dilemma...)
Nah, should not... FOR NOW...
:: posted by Christopher, 00:12 | link | 0 comments |

18 May 2006

yes yes, I'VE HEARD YOUR CALL!! I will update sec 4 story soon... In camp of course when I have the time. Yes, so sad. I'm gonna leave my colleagues.. AAWWWWWWW. =(
:: posted by Christopher, 00:23 | link | 0 comments |

14 May 2006

"My mother's life would be greatly improved by her death."
Christopher, 14th May 2006.

I just realise I have invoked this prayer about 3 times in my life so far. And I forsee more to come in the future. Now people, if I was truly evil, I would have bought a clock for today. AH, FOR I AM SOOO FULL-ETH OF FILIAL PIETY! I AM!! I TRULY AMM!!

I am but just a good leetle boy.
:: posted by Christopher, 12:48 | link | 1 comments |

12 May 2006

Wah lau eh, I'm losing my interest to update mah blog man. I mean, "hey everything's mundane" and its not worth broadcasting that to the whole wide world aint it? So why bother? Its just so much easier to meet up with friends anyway. So till the day come when I cant do that. Well, we'll have to adapt nevertheless.

"Out of sight, out of Mind", I say. Well, that said, there's so many things to looking forward to!

21st May - Geh Kao's coming back from USAFA to suffer in PLAB. Haaha-BaoYing!!

31st May - Last day of NS. [So sad.. yet so happy!]

1st June - Grace's coming back! Alright! Now to persuade 'The one who spawned me' to lend me the car. fucking Bitch, no not you Grace. =)

1st Aug - Goodbye Humidity. Goodbye Singapore. Goodbye friends. =(

Ahh, but 1st Aug is still so far away.. for now.
:: posted by Christopher, 02:20 | link | 0 comments |

07 May 2006

Of Singapore and the 2006 Elections

Potong Pasir - I'm glad Chiam won! Not to mention by a ever-increasing margin!

Aljunied - Sigh, WP lost by such a narrow margin! PAP's 56.08% vs WP's 43.92%.
Sigh, include my house under Aljunied and out of Marine Parade next time round lah!
I hate bring in Marine Parade GRC! Get me out! Out!

AMK - PAP's 66.13% vs WP's 33.87%. Honestly our PM's a brilliant man. But oh wait, its not a good idea to say such stuff here. Ok, .

Hougang - Yeah, Low Thia Kiang's a capable speaker! At least he speaks with conviction, I like.
:: posted by Christopher, 00:57 | link | 1 comments |

04 May 2006

Yeah, since I'm so bored and have absolutely whole afternoon ahead to myself, I shall share with you people the first time I skipped school. Yes, sharing is caring. It is!

My First School Exchange Exposure!

I remember the date clearly, being the first time where I dared to blantently break school rules. Friday the 13th, May, 2001. Not exactly the most auspicious day to be playing traunt. But we did.

I was initially grumpy, having been arrowed by class monitor that I had a dental appointment in the Primary School. Now everybody hates dentists(don't you?). And not to mention the first period was fun-filled geography lesson with Miss Foo. However my initial angst was removed when I found out that there were 12 other people coming down along as well! We all appreciate a little time to skive, so the 13 of us took a slow stroll to the Primary School dental clinic. What a way to start the day, I thought.

Dental session per se came and went. Nothing spectecular except for occassional sharp pain in mouth no thanks to evil dentist! Essentially all 13 of us were done by 8.30am. As much as we lurved talking to middle-aged aunties aka dentists, they obviously didnt lurve us nor appreciate our company. "Okay okay, go back to your class now!", says Auntie.

Now 8.30 was a bad time to go back to class, at least thats what I thought. Not only had Geography class just ended, 8.30 was the start of a one-hour long chinese lesson with.... with (shivvers) Cai-lao-shi!!!! NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Even the mention of his name brings shivers to my spine. Lets juz call him X for now. So as I was saying, 8.30 was the start of a 1-hour long chinese lesson with.. X. Now X is a horrible, totally vile and humour-less middle-aged man who obviously thinks himself as the best and the rest of us 14-year-olds as naughty, recalcitrant, lazy kids.

It didnt help matters that X loved to give out homework to us, in the matter of chinese compositions. Obscene amounts of work is okay, but giving obscene amounts of work and expecting us to hand them up within a rediculous time frame is pushing it! Yes, let me give you an excerpt of fellow classmate bargaining for less. Not a good idea.

Sam Ah (who would be called S for brevity): Lao shi, wo ming tian jiao zhuo wen ke yi mah? (teacher, can I pass up my composition tmr?)

X:Ni yao ming tian jiao ah? wo xiang yi xiang xian. (you want to pass it up tmr? let me think about it.)

S: Lao shi, wo men zuo tian you hen duo dong xi zhuo. Wo ming tian jiao ge ni ke yi ma? Wo hui qing zhi huan ge ni! qiu qiu ni! (teacher, we really had alot of work to do yesterday. Can I pass it up to you tmr? I would personally give it to you, please?)

X:(stroking chin, looking into the sky) hao.. ke yi. ni yao ming tian jiao, ke yi ming tian jiao. KE SHI YAO JIAO LIANG PIAN! (alright alright. I would allow it. If you want to pass up tmr, you can. BUT YOU BETTER GIVE ME 2 COMPOs!)

S: *looks on with disbelief*

X: Ni zhui hao shi jing tian liang dian ban jiao ge wo! Bu ran de hua yao jiao liang pian! (you had better give it to me by 1.30pm! If not it'll be 2 compositions man!!!!)

S: nods head with disappointment and totally down-trodden with knowledge that recess and lunch-time would be spent writing above-mentioned composition.

X: nah xie mei you jiao zhuo wen de ting dao ma? bie shuo wo mei you jing kao ni! (those that didnt pass up ur compositions heard that? Don't say I didnt give you any warning!)

Yeah, But I digress. Gist of above digression is X aka Chai-lao-shi is an asshole with Masters in Chinese studies and an absolutely disgusting moustache.

Back to the story.....

So yeah, none of us in the group of 13 wanted to go back to class, knowing that we'll face 60 min of X. Not a good idea. So 13 young minds gathered outside the clinic, wondering what to do over the next 60 min so that they'll give chinese lesson a miss. Of course, pious students (class monitor blah blah) went back without asking, much to our happiness. With him gone, we can discuss what we really wanted to do!

"Lets crash St. Nicholas Girl's School!", one said.
"Okay lets go!"
"No thanks man, you guys are nuts!"
With that said, the Group of 13 broke up into 5 and 8.
Group of 8 went to wherever they went.
Group of 5 ventured to the main gate! Outside of this cloister called Maris Stella High and bravely facing the entire, strange new world out there. Searching, looking for the place called St. Nicholas.

Stay tuned. Interesting part comes when we actually enter the school itself.
Hint hint: its NOT Saint. Nicholas, but close. Tsk.

:: posted by Christopher, 14:35 | link | 0 comments |
I have 2 days MC and am happily skivving off at home preparing for the long long weekend! (yeah, I've monday off as well!)

But the downside is that I think it'll be another day before my eye becomes well again.
For all those not in the loop, yeah, I've a swollen left eye. And it was irritating. But now its fine thanks to wonderful medicine given to me by professional doctor. Speaking of him, he shortchanged me on the MC!

I asked and he gave me 2 days, but after resting for 4 hrs (and with a better-feeling eye this time) I noticed that the MC only covered 1 day! Tsk, will have to call him up on this.

Anyways who's this guy from "www.1walklongdistances.com"? (see comments)
eh man, I dun appreciate strangers leaving weird comments! But yeah, I agree! $2.21/hr is freaking under-paid lah! But I don't have a choice. Yes, sigh! Sigh for me! Sigh!
Till then, to the future, with better paid job next time! Till then!
:: posted by Christopher, 14:21 | link | 0 comments |

01 May 2006

Temp Jobs Available!!

Duration:(1 month)
Location: Ministry of Defence, Air Intelligence Dept
Job Scope: Minion a.k.a. Clerk
Pay: $2.21 per hour
Working Hours: Monday - Thur: 8am - 5.30pm
Fridays : 8am - 5pm
P.S: Lunch and Transport NOT provided.

Interested applicants please submit a written resume to this blog.

Why oh why did I sign up for this. = (
:: posted by Christopher, 22:44 | link | 2 comments |