Where never Lark, or even Eagle flew

18 November 2006

Whilst running down a slope, always remember that it'll the only way left soon is up. And its a matter of when, not if. When?
:: posted by Christopher, 15:41 | link | 1 comments |

08 November 2006

No lah, not depressed lah. I think pensive would have been a better word. Anyway to sum up the month of October..


We had Halloweeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn, and I carved some pumpkins! It was a team effort and 6 of us (all first-timers) managed to did quite a good job! Took some design of the internet, $3 pumpkin with some pumpkin-carving tools and we were in business! I did the right eye-brow, the nose, and half of the mouth!

From right to left, me at the right, Stephanie from up north to my right, with Edgar with the YAHOO hair, Ade from Trinidad and Tobago at the front, Abed from Houston right behind, and Natalia from Corpus Christi. It was pretty fun. I'll just post pictures up. Its sad that 'Jack' the pumpkin has since decayed and was spilling out green foam during his last moments here in Austin. Moment of silence please.
Just playing around with Natalia's wizardry hat. Haa. That stupid hand-sign thingy? Stands for 'Hook'em Horns!!'. Just some school phrase. AH Yang, you should totally send me that 'forever rock!' shirt you have with the exact same sign man.
I dont know what she's doing.
Don't know why the image quality so fucked-up. Its really damn hard to do picture-intensive

Then after that we went to 6th Street, walk walk see see. Its like the 'party-street' of Austin, like M.Sultan in Singapore. OK lah, alot of crazy people around. Fair share short skirts, men in underwear, men dressed as penises, super-short-skirt-nurses, girl clad in stockings amongst others. Some pretty original ideas too, like Borat, smurfs, hot-dogs, blue smurfs? Too bad never take pictures with them, it was pretty cold and chilly.

I also attended a blues-concert at Austin Music Hall. Some free ticket. Friend of hours couldnt make it so we went instead. Caught a bus, travelled downtown, did quite a bit of walking, photo-taking and other nonsense. Haaha, quite fun, music was just plain noisy at first, but got better as the night progressed. I also bought my first alcoholic drink illegally! Haa, its not my fault the bar-girl gave it to me!

I also attended a blues-concert. Some free ticket. Friend of hours couldnt make it so we went instead. Caught a bus, travelled downtown, did quite a bit of walking, photo-taking and other nonsense. Haaha, quite fun, music was just plain noisy at first, but got better as the night progressed. I also bought my first alcoholic drink illegally! Haa, its not my fault the bar-girl gave it t

Nice picture hor? Thats in a park overlooking Town-Lake. Town-Lake is actually the Colorado river flowing through Austin. I've no idea why a river is called Townlake. Beats me.
:: posted by Christopher, 16:55 | link | 1 comments |

05 November 2006

I feel like an ant. With no power over anything. That finger can just kill me in an instant.

I'm depressed.

For now at least. As an ant, I can think more about depression and the meaning of life and things philosphical in nature. However, such endeavours usually lead to a downward spiral in thoughts and instead of answers, bring about more questions.

On the other hand, I could go out and find things to do and strive towards, diversions of sorts if you may. I cannot stop and do nothing. Its a waste of time. Time is something that no one has any control of.

What do we do with our time?

I wish I could spend it with you. Problem is, who should you be?
post template here
:: posted by Christopher, 05:14 | link | 1 comments |