Where never Lark, or even Eagle flew

19 September 2006

RANDOM POST @ 2.30am.
(Cuz its the only time the internet actually works. Sigh)

This is what boredom does to guys. Its a co-ed floor but who cares. Haa. Too bad they(I wonder who!) tore down the picture. 6th Floor athlectics is pretty fun. Heh.

That's Billy in blue. Some ang moh.
Andrew in white. Cycling siao-on and business guy. Wants to go into politics and can talk. Will go far.
Leon in black, from Turkey(I think)
Ben who plays trumpet in the band(which is really BIG) here.

Random picture of some angel chasing away "evil horses?"

Same statue, from a different angle and at night. Background in the UT Tower. Main Building on the University. Tower is lit to celebrate the Longhorn's(football team) victory over North Texas.

Freedom Horse. Some horse basically.

Here's 'his' side of the room. This is when its in a "good" state.

Usually there's like 2 lugguages on his bed where he stores his clothing. And the TV is ON blaring hip-hop/NFL or some crappy black culture shite that I totally cannot appreciate.. Do note exam schedule posted on the wall. Its posted with MY pins. Tsk. Not that I mind but still...

This picture was days ago. Well, to be honest my side does look the same also! haaha.. Oh well.

I'm lazy to write words since its 2am already. But uploading pictures take FOREVER. On the bright side, I just bought a bike and a lock. So the next few days I can actually explore the city in greater depth and have a further range. =)
:: posted by Christopher, 15:07 | link | 3 comments |

12 September 2006

My Roommate.

His name is , he's from Ghana and yes, he's African-American. He's really into hip-hop music and American football. By that I mean he's REALLY into those things. Its like TV on ALL the time on American football and MTV hip-hop. He even sings along! Way cool huh? Damn noisy man I tell you. Check out the room when I upload the picture. Its like there's no place for homework (on his side of course!) He does homework on the bed! He would rather use the table for the TV instead of using it for homework and stuff. OH well, I guess our priorities are different. He's sleeping now, at 2am. But I'm going to be waking up earlier than him. Tsk tsk.. So when I'm in my room, its always dark.. And i've to be super quiet. Its irritating.. I would have to UPLOAD an actual picture to show you exactly what I mean. Sigh.

It doesnt help that the free internet is really clogged up before midnight. So I always have to wait till its PAST midnight before I come online and do internet stuff. Hence my online hiatus. Well, why pay US$20/month when you can get internet access free in the Engineering Building or AFTER midnight eh? By the way, campus of UT - Austin is really nice. I'll be going on a photo-taking trip round campus tommorow afternoon.. Heh, and I've a quiz tommorrow evening.. Should be easy. Hopefully I won't suffer from hubris.

Anyway, its been a long time since I last updated. Busy lah. Academic stuff to do as well as getting to know other people. So don't worry, everything's going fine.. Under control and getting 'sorted out'. On the bright side, I might be owning a car by the end of this year. So lets see how that goes.

:: posted by Christopher, 14:37 | link | 0 comments |