Where never Lark, or even Eagle flew

30 July 2006

1. Do the following WITHOUT complaint.
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you've completed yours.
3. Leave a post/tag on e person's tagboard exclaiming that they've been tagged.
4. Start your post with "i have been tagged!"

Colour: Purple/Green

Food: For now, anything that is “Uniquely Singaporean”
Song: Song from a secret garden by Secret Garden
Movie: American Beauty, My Sassy Girl and more.

Sport: Soccer, but I suck at it. Golf, but I’ve yet to learn it.
Day of the week: Monday, when I’m unemployed. Saturday, when I’m employed.
Season: Autumn. Summers are too hot.
Ice Cream: Had enough Yoghurt gelato already. More than enough.

Mood: Bored. Reflective perhaps?

Taste: errr.
Clothes: Why should I answer this?
Desktop: Portait of a Bald Eagle.
Toe Nail Colour: Natural?
Time: 0402hrs
Surroundings: Messy Room.
Annoyances: Oh boy, I don’t need to answer this.
Thoughts: Why can’t I sleep?

Best Friend: Joel, my neighbour. Friendship spoilt by mother.

Crush: My teacher. That’s enough details. Haaha..
Movie: Don’t remember lah! Lion King?
Lie: “Kor Kor tied me up and dragged me round the table 3 times!”

Music: Whilst in the womb.

Cigarette: N.A.

Drink: Teh-O peng
Car Ride: Mine
Crush: Heh. Hush hush….
Movie: Thank you for Smoking. Good show! Watch it!
Phone Call: Not impt.
Last Cd Played: No more CDs. Download music for free!

Have you ever
Dated one of your best friends: eeeeeeeeww.
Broken the Law: All the time.
Arrested: IF you wanna do sth against the law, don’t get caught.
Skinny-Dipped: No.

Been on TV: Don’t remember.
Kissed someone you don't know: Hmm.. when I was a toddler maybe?

You're wearing (5 items): WTF? There’re only 3 items on me now.
You've done today (list 4): Thought about what to pack, Tried to pack, Drove, Explored.
You can hear right now(list 3): Music: Violin.. Piano and some obscure percussion.
You do when you're bored: Things like these stupid questionnaires?

:: posted by Christopher, 04:14 | link | 0 comments |

18 July 2006

What's the point of writing entries for blog when u're meeting up with everyone so often and there's no new news that u wanna tell the whole world? Heh.

No point la, really.
:: posted by Christopher, 23:53 | link | 0 comments |

11 July 2006

Heh, despite the slight anger that I had when I was told (no, ordered!) to work this evening in a short notice of 2 hrs, at least tonight was quite happening.

First, I saw a freaking accident. Guy A who drove a white car(white cars are driven by incompetent people, proven statistic), whilst parking scratched a black, parked subaru. So me, being the keh poh that I am, went to look see! (Immediate thought: Hmm, shall pose as subaru owner and demand for $500 for paint job!) I walked over, ostentatiously in front of Guy A's car, only to discover that there was someone in the black car! Damn, there goes the $500! Alright, since there was someone in there already, obviously there was no need for me. So I went back to the store and minded my own business. (Best part: girl in black car continued sitting in black car after the car was scratched.) Luckily, they manage to find Guy A in the end. Quoted from Guy A, "Sigh, my car also kenna scratched. you think I wanted this to happen meh?" Tsk tsk, cannot park properly don't blame other people lah!

And more on parallel parking, I was made to wait by some incompetent P-plate driver! Wah piang. IF YOUR STARTING POSITION IS LOUSY AND YOU CANT GET YOUR CAR'S BUTT IN, THEN DRIVE OUT AND TRY AGAIN! AND NOT REVERSE, GO FORWARD, REVERSE, GO FORWARD, REVERSE, GO FORWARD!!!!! I tell you, if not for his bloody P-plate, I would have horned already lah!! Give you the time to try FOUR times still not enough?!!! I really wonder how these people pass their driving tests.. If you cant park parallel, don't park parallel. Tsk tsk.. It was only after a double-tap on the horn that above-mentioned driver, definately embaressed, moved off and went one circle to try again. Heh, best part: We saw him trying to park at the same lot after we've parked. (take note:trying) He ultimately failed as we didnt see his car when we walked back. What a lousy driver.

As I said to David, the road is not the place to learn how to park. Go learn how to park properly in the circuit, and not waste people's time! No Poles is a lousy excuse. Do what I did, tell your instructor (whom u're bloody paying anyway) to teach you how to park WITHOUT the poles. And learn how to park properly(without poles) IN THE CIRCUIT. But whatever you do, do NOT EVER, be like Guy A and scratch other people's car.
:: posted by Christopher, 00:38 | link | 0 comments |

04 July 2006

Profound.. Profound..

How do you be contented with what you have, and at the same time find motivation to achieve difficult and ardous goals?

I am a lazy person, and would not do normal tasks, what more challenging endeavours if I don't see the need in it.

My worry is this. If I am ever contented with whatever I have right now, there is no way I would garner the extra motivation, discipline, focus and energy to actually start and achieve that goal.

Should I ever be contented? I am contented for most matters, most of the time. Can greed actually be a good thing?
:: posted by Christopher, 00:34 | link | 0 comments |

03 July 2006

Far from Fired.

Darn, I wish I was fired. I'm tired of working at the this lowly rate of $4.50/hour. Spoil the labour market only!! Lets quit together lah! No point working already. Would rather spend money everyday and then whine about total lack of money later.

And Germany would win the World Cup! Mark-eth my words! I hope they do. Whatever it is, it looks like its going to be a Germany - France finals for 2006! Sounds exciting. Now, whether or not to place $10 on germany to win... Hmmmmm......
:: posted by Christopher, 20:08 | link | 0 comments |