Where never Lark, or even Eagle flew

30 July 2006

1. Do the following WITHOUT complaint.
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you've completed yours.
3. Leave a post/tag on e person's tagboard exclaiming that they've been tagged.
4. Start your post with "i have been tagged!"

Colour: Purple/Green

Food: For now, anything that is “Uniquely Singaporean”
Song: Song from a secret garden by Secret Garden
Movie: American Beauty, My Sassy Girl and more.

Sport: Soccer, but I suck at it. Golf, but I’ve yet to learn it.
Day of the week: Monday, when I’m unemployed. Saturday, when I’m employed.
Season: Autumn. Summers are too hot.
Ice Cream: Had enough Yoghurt gelato already. More than enough.

Mood: Bored. Reflective perhaps?

Taste: errr.
Clothes: Why should I answer this?
Desktop: Portait of a Bald Eagle.
Toe Nail Colour: Natural?
Time: 0402hrs
Surroundings: Messy Room.
Annoyances: Oh boy, I don’t need to answer this.
Thoughts: Why can’t I sleep?

Best Friend: Joel, my neighbour. Friendship spoilt by mother.

Crush: My teacher. That’s enough details. Haaha..
Movie: Don’t remember lah! Lion King?
Lie: “Kor Kor tied me up and dragged me round the table 3 times!”

Music: Whilst in the womb.

Cigarette: N.A.

Drink: Teh-O peng
Car Ride: Mine
Crush: Heh. Hush hush….
Movie: Thank you for Smoking. Good show! Watch it!
Phone Call: Not impt.
Last Cd Played: No more CDs. Download music for free!

Have you ever
Dated one of your best friends: eeeeeeeeww.
Broken the Law: All the time.
Arrested: IF you wanna do sth against the law, don’t get caught.
Skinny-Dipped: No.

Been on TV: Don’t remember.
Kissed someone you don't know: Hmm.. when I was a toddler maybe?

You're wearing (5 items): WTF? There’re only 3 items on me now.
You've done today (list 4): Thought about what to pack, Tried to pack, Drove, Explored.
You can hear right now(list 3): Music: Violin.. Piano and some obscure percussion.
You do when you're bored: Things like these stupid questionnaires?

:: posted by Christopher, 04:14


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