Where never Lark, or even Eagle flew

28 March 2006

Superstition Personified.

In my whole circle, my colleagues are about just the two most superstitious people! Daily horoscopes, feng shui are but just the basics. There're star signs compatability issues, astrological events (ie: mercury retrograde), and many unheard of factors that are but part and parcel of daily life. Never fails to amaze me the incredible reason one can make to, 1, not cut hair, not shop, be in a bad mood et cetra. But they're fun people to hang out with, and have definately made my NS life much more vibrant and fun that what it was without.

Haha, now days when I go to work,
some duties include:

1. Skivving

2. Checking horoscope

3. Completing today's Today Suduko

4. Washing Grapes/Kiwis/Cherry Tomatoes
5. Eating Grapes/Kiwis/Cherry Tomatoes

6. Making Chinese Tea
7. Drinking Chinese Tea

8. Playing computer games like Super Marios
9. Chatting via e-mail.

Oh what more can I ask for my NS. tsk tsk..

Introducing the 30-year-old Auntie! (Not her real age. Heh)

And her fellow skivver (Affectionately know as Harlot!)

And here's the 2 of them together.
:: posted by Christopher, 16:34


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