Where never Lark, or even Eagle flew

20 March 2006

Hello Free-Air-Con!!
Bye Singapore! (such shallow thinking, I know)

As I logged on the MSN, I saw an emailed titled "Immigration information for UT Austin"..
For a moment I wondered, "hmm. could it be? Or is it one of those spam that I've recieved from Purdue?"
I logged on to check my application status immediately. I've been accepted!

Its kind of sad to make such an important discovery whilst you're alone. I mean, imagine the bigger reaction had I found out whilst at work or something, with people around immediately to share my joy! Haha..

I've decided to blog more often, at least with some consistency! I mean in about a year's time, apart from MSN conversations, email, telephone calls.. This would be what most of you people would read about my life. Sigh, graduation from school has just shown how people's lives cross and change each other. I'm gonna miss my friends, my house, food, and my friends, and my friends, and my friends.. Heh.

Well, I'm done. Stay tune for more! No promises though. tsk tsk. Anyway here's some pics of last friday's bowling event.

Ok blardy hell! Blogger sucks and hosting pictures lah! What the hell is wrong with you! Maybe its time to switch..... ah damn i'll try later.
:: posted by Christopher, 01:21


Finally, finally, finally, finally... updated your blog.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:58 PM  

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