Where never Lark, or even Eagle flew

22 January 2006

Needs a tagboard!

Who knows how to create? teach me please?
:: posted by Christopher, 04:57 | link | 3 comments |
Oh! Indecisive Qing! (by Yours Truely, and to be sung with a irish song medley)

Indecisive Qing,
no new year clothing!

Brought Chris out to shop,
Me bought two nice tops!
Found a nice black dress,
But no boobs to flaunt!
Other day perhaps,
Not a time to taunt!
Back to work for now,
Indecisive Qing!

Always next weekend,
for more shopping trips!
I'll treat you dinner,
but please be wiser!
Five days all there's left,
to Chinese New Year!
But no new clothes yet,
for poor pretty Qing!

Indecisive Qing,
no new year clothing!
:: posted by Christopher, 04:41 | link | 0 comments |
Could have been. Would have been. But never will.

heh, I know its just a passing phase. It just that point in life where you wonder about the things that could have been different if certain events could have been avoided. I guess it especially sucks when you yourself knew that they were achie
vable goals. Goals that could be achieved had it be for more effort, or determination on your part. Doesnt help when your friends are busy achieving what you set out to do few months back. This the world I left behind man. (Since my lazy, me shall post thousand-worded pics!)

What I would have been up too daily.

Yes, could have been my face there.
Which (I'm confident about it) would most definately lead to my face being here.
Which would lead toand ultimately this

ok, actually to be more realistic, this one. haha.

But life's a bitch, like the one who spawned me, shit happens. But well, not all's bad lah. I forcast the next few years of my life to be something like this..at

That's not confirmed, but at least its highly likely.. Yes, please please please accept me University of Texas at Austin.
"Me Chinese! Me Asian! Will slog for green card! So give it to me!"
Hahaha, I seriously wonder how university life would be like. I honestly hope my classmates this time would be more fun-loving this time. Please not let my classmates be like my JC classmates. please please please!

Yes, my five-year goal would be... (Oh, this means successful graduation! I think they're e happiest graduates google can find online.. heh)
Well, not neccessarily Singapore Airlines as well, but their livery most appeals to me! Heh. So i say...

CHERISH WHAT YOU HAVE NOW. Carpe Diem most importantly!
:: posted by Christopher, 03:55 | link | 0 comments |

03 January 2006

Happy new year my friends!

heh, sorry lah, never update. well, with so much WERK to be done.. can't blame can't blame.
can u believe i met Norman Teo in camp today?! like WTF man! freaking hell, and he doesnt recognize me. what kind of senior is this? heh, and then in the evening i saw my BMT SGT! wah lau, he's damn havoc now la, moustach beard and whatever. didnt know he stayed at lor ah soo. so near.

Oh well, but i didnt get to meet some pple also. thanks to faulty doorbell. well, hope dear neighbour returns umbrella!

Anyway, work was fun today, and will be fun tmr! seriously, didnt know 30 year olds can be so childish in a fun way. heh.

actually, i feel this' a lousy entry. no inspiration lah. seriously, write here also not many people get to read. and like what's the point? too lazy.

ah well, post pictures lah!
lets see....

Pictures of Singapore!
eh freak la, blogger doesnt want me to post. so be it. another day it shall be. there's always tmr. (wif this attitude u'll never go anywhere my friends)
:: posted by Christopher, 23:27 | link | 2 comments |