Where never Lark, or even Eagle flew

12 December 2005

'Work' sucks.

Firstly, the pay sucks. Honestly, working at such rates and at such duration is obviously a freaking waste of my time. Who the hell works at $21/day?! that's like freaking less that $3/hour.

and guess what, that's just the tip of the iceburg. Secondly, being in a communist-like organization means.... (ta duh!) work does not pay. whether or not i complete a given task in 5 min, or 5 days, it doesnt matter. No one gives a shit. As if to make me pissed, my immediate supervisor takes it personally that i have to look busy all the time. Thus i can never ever look free. I shall now take as long as I forbid for the simplest of tasks. Yes, for <$3/hour, i have a right to be dumb, forgetful and downright stupid when i like it.

Sometimes, the only things i look forward to is the little 'tribute' one recieves every now and then. Yes, sometimes working less can make you work more. Its one of those small facts of life that surely does sound wierd at face value doesnt it? haa
:: posted by Christopher, 21:31


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